So since I have no decorating sense I leave it to my mother who for several years now has had "themed trees" every Christmas. I put in a call to her the other week and got in return her 1997 theme of Gingerbread men. I know that it was 97 because on the back of the gingerbread men there's a date. And I must say that I think it's pretty stinking cute. We went and got just a little tree. We didn't want to over do it our first year out. Got the lights on it and then with some "help" from a three year old we got the thing decorated, all while listening to Bing Crosby sing Christmas Music.
Here's the proof. Oh and BTW these were taken by a real camera! A camera that is now MIA because my son is obsessed with it and I'm sure has stashed it somewhere.
And no we didn't clean up around it before I took pictures. Oh and I have decorations around the windows now. Yes I'm getting in the spirit!
Now off to form a search party for the missing camera!
3 days ago
Your camera is now Mia? Your son is obsessed with Mia? He's cute but a little too young for me.