Here is my top 5 celebrity crushes...we'll start with male because I likes the mens. And maybe I'll move on to women because there are a couple out there that I would switch teams for...
2. Jason Statham. Okay I loved him since Lock, Stock, and Two Smoking Barrels. And then I loved him even more when I saw the muscles. mmm I might be drooling a bit.
3. Denzel Washington-Dudes. I LOVE Denzel. I would marry Denzel. I would walk away from my life as it is right now for Denzel.
4. Chris Farley. Just to show that I'm not completely shallow. I will admit to liking the big boys. Chris Farley is my hands down all time favorite comedian. I honestly cried when I found out he died. I wanted to meet him and tell him I loved him so bad. I swear to god.

5. Ryan Reynolds ahh the pretty boy toy. His abs, I could live in the ridges. *shudders*

So I know this list is mostly very stereotypical but hey I think I am pretty shallow so deal with it! And I made it two posts in a row!
I generally don't have celebrity crushes, unless you count the times I pretend to have something going on with Johnny Depp just to get hits from posts I tag with things like "I was in bed with Johnny Depp" and stuff... but everyone knows I'm just a blog-tease that does that for traffic.