So my aunt called out of the blue today and invited me to a movie. Weird. My sister has been spending all her time off at my aunts lately and I thought that I was thrown to the wayside. So this call caught me off guard, I don't know why she wants to hang out now.
I made Jesse apply for a job that will have us moving away from Spokane...I hope he gets it. It has benefits and a steady pay, after 4 years of thinking "are you getting work this week" a good paycheck is all I really need. If the guy would actually get 40 hours a week we would be in good shape, but some weeks, like this one, he well doesn't work much. Today is the first day that he's gone to work. Yeah, I think its Thursday right?
And I'm sure your thinking "Why don't you go to work you lazy bitch?" I will respond to this. I have never been able to hold down two jobs. I am a single job type of person. I take my position at a mom as a job. And I couldn't be able to go to another job as well as do this. As little as I do. I can't imagine going to another work and having to do both. So anyway that's my reasoning, plus the fact that I dont' want to work anywhere like an office or a retail place.
So since I've touted that I love being a mom, can I say that I can't stand my 2 year old today. He's being very, very 2. I just got smacked in the back of the head. He's been in "time out" most of the morning...and he claims to be starving for some reason. I also have my cantakerous 4 year old nephew to deal with too. Who insists on demanding for things instead of asking nicely. I got demanded yesterday to stop vaccuming because it was interfereing with his movie. Yeah I respond very well to demands. Especially from someone a fourth my size.
My mood has shifted, and I think I'm hitting a low. I've been very down the past couple of days and I'm trying not to dwell on the fact that I don't have a counselor to go vent to every week about my poor me situations. Most of the time that's all it is really just me feeling sorry for myself. I know this. I just can't move beyond. I don't know if its lack of sleep or the fact that I keep forgetting to take my anti-depressant, but I'm having a hard time again controling emotions, but I don't want to be on my pills anymore. I want to be rid of them so I can maybe start thinking about having another baby, because if this is what I'm supposed to do I better have more then just one kid right? I can't just have one and be a stay at home mom, how lame is that, that's for rich moms. I'm a poor mom. Full discloser here...Jesse made only 25,000. My single friend made over 40...yeah we're not poor at all. How do we make it you ask? Oh I have no secrets, we just don't spend a lot of money. We don't go to movies. We do go out to eat though, and more then we should. He would make more if like I said before, if he worked more... but that's construction for you I guess. Its better then fast food but not by much. I keep telling him to go out on his own, because then he would make more but he doesn't want to listen. So my fingers are crossed and my prayers have been thrown up to Jesus and God and whoever else is listening. Jesse needs this new job. He needs it bad. WE need it bad.
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Monday, January 26, 2009
No cable day....Oh whatever...
My friend keeps asking me "did you watch...? oh wait, no you didn't you don't have cable" she's taunting me and I don't like it. I've started a new book called "The Alienist" by Caleb Carr. Its a wonderful book that my friend sent me. I've been taking my time on it, and I don't know if its because I'm not used to "adult" books or if I'm savoring it. I think a little bit of both. I've been reading a lot of "fluff" lately. A lot of teen books that take me a half a day to finish and I'm tired of that. I needed something to make me think...and this one does just that.
I had an odd dream last night, which isn't new to me, but I wanted to share it. I dreamt that I went to Janet Jackson's house and she had four kids and she lived in a bunch of combined trailer houses. And I told her that I was pleasantly surprised and thought that she would be a little more "ostentatious" I actually used that word in my dream. I think that was the weird part of my dream that I actually used large vocabulary, I don't ever recall doing that in any other dream.
I took back all my cable boxes today to the cable company. I called them first to let them know that I was bringing them back. They weren't too upset that I was canceling this time, maybe its because I haven't been able to pay my bill in two months or so. I've been trying to cancel for three months, back when my bill was only $60 and I still couldn't pay that...but they didn't seem to want me to or let me. So now my bill is $300 and they cut me off..."well now do you believe me?!" I think they're getting more calls like mine, the lady was very kind about my situation.
But we finally have money coming in at decent intervals and our bank account is in the black again and all of our bills are getting paid, but we have gone out to eat a couple times which is bad, and we're not making that a habbit again.
I feel like I'm on the edge of a breakdown again. I think this is because I got dependent on my counselor and now that I'm not going any more I have no one outside my life to vent to. I tried to vent to my mother last night but I got no where with her.
Oh and another thing. I think my house is haunted and I think the ghost attacked me last night. two scratches appeared on my arm last night right before I got in the shower. I didn't notice them until the water hit them and started stinging...they honestly just appeared! Its the weirdest thing, and it leads me to believe that I have pissed a ghost off. I bet its one of Ryan's "imaginary" friends he's always talking about. That worries me, I watch too many spooky shows and when that kid starts talking to imaginary friends a little more then necessary I get worried. I told Jesse that if one day I tell him that I'm being haunted he better believe me...and he told me that he would. But now that this has happened he's not so sure. He asked me "what did you do to yourself?!" Like I would scratch the shit out of my arm on purpose. That's something that I would do. I forgot to tell him I'm a cutter. I don't know if that's clear enough for you but there is the phantom scratch.
I know it doesn't look like much but it stings like a bitch!
So then I was all paranoid all night and didn't sleep, which isn't anything really new but I had a hard time falling asleep. I keep waking up at 3 am too, which I have heard is a very haunting hour. On Paranormal State they call it "dead time" which is spooky. I don't know why they don't call it something else less scary.
Anyway besides my phantom scratches nothing really happened this weekend to report. I think I gained all my weight back because I ate a lot of really good pizza on Saturday. I need to do some exercising someday.
Alright. I think I'm done. I know there was actually something important that I was going to blog about today feelings and whatnots but I don't recall. Maybe I'll remember later.
I had an odd dream last night, which isn't new to me, but I wanted to share it. I dreamt that I went to Janet Jackson's house and she had four kids and she lived in a bunch of combined trailer houses. And I told her that I was pleasantly surprised and thought that she would be a little more "ostentatious" I actually used that word in my dream. I think that was the weird part of my dream that I actually used large vocabulary, I don't ever recall doing that in any other dream.
I took back all my cable boxes today to the cable company. I called them first to let them know that I was bringing them back. They weren't too upset that I was canceling this time, maybe its because I haven't been able to pay my bill in two months or so. I've been trying to cancel for three months, back when my bill was only $60 and I still couldn't pay that...but they didn't seem to want me to or let me. So now my bill is $300 and they cut me off..."well now do you believe me?!" I think they're getting more calls like mine, the lady was very kind about my situation.
But we finally have money coming in at decent intervals and our bank account is in the black again and all of our bills are getting paid, but we have gone out to eat a couple times which is bad, and we're not making that a habbit again.
I feel like I'm on the edge of a breakdown again. I think this is because I got dependent on my counselor and now that I'm not going any more I have no one outside my life to vent to. I tried to vent to my mother last night but I got no where with her.
Oh and another thing. I think my house is haunted and I think the ghost attacked me last night. two scratches appeared on my arm last night right before I got in the shower. I didn't notice them until the water hit them and started stinging...they honestly just appeared! Its the weirdest thing, and it leads me to believe that I have pissed a ghost off. I bet its one of Ryan's "imaginary" friends he's always talking about. That worries me, I watch too many spooky shows and when that kid starts talking to imaginary friends a little more then necessary I get worried. I told Jesse that if one day I tell him that I'm being haunted he better believe me...and he told me that he would. But now that this has happened he's not so sure. He asked me "what did you do to yourself?!" Like I would scratch the shit out of my arm on purpose. That's something that I would do. I forgot to tell him I'm a cutter. I don't know if that's clear enough for you but there is the phantom scratch.

So then I was all paranoid all night and didn't sleep, which isn't anything really new but I had a hard time falling asleep. I keep waking up at 3 am too, which I have heard is a very haunting hour. On Paranormal State they call it "dead time" which is spooky. I don't know why they don't call it something else less scary.
Anyway besides my phantom scratches nothing really happened this weekend to report. I think I gained all my weight back because I ate a lot of really good pizza on Saturday. I need to do some exercising someday.
Alright. I think I'm done. I know there was actually something important that I was going to blog about today feelings and whatnots but I don't recall. Maybe I'll remember later.
Friday, January 23, 2009
No Cable, Day Two
Someday soon I'll get over this no cable thing but not today! I already did laundry and cleaned up a bit...its only 9:39, there's something seriously wrong with me. So I had to come and do something half way lazy like oh I don't know write nonsense on my blog. Yay! Nonsense!!
I'm really really sleepy today due to the sleeping pills I've been taking to sleep at night...which worked pretty good last night, but kinda groggy today. I have a very short fuse today, and I can't seem to handle the four year old bossing me around at all today. Yes he bosses me around, he bosses my two year old around to and it pisses me off. I've never before in my life wanted to punch a child...but now I do. Terrible. I'm trying really hard to be a more positive up beat person but he makes that task all the more hard. And I'm tired of his mother saying how cute he is and how hard it is to punish him when he's bad because he's so cute and adorable. He's not. He's the devil, I have come to realize this. Oh and maybe its also because he looks and acts exactly like his asshole fucker of a father. Who I don't know if you catch my drift but I hate with more intensity then the fires of the sun. I seriously don't know how my sister stuck around him for 10 years, I would have been out after the first month. But that's me I guess.
I really need to clean the kitchen, its calling me but I keep ignoring it. but I told my sister I would clean it today since she's been cleaning it all week for some reason. I just haven't wanted to. I have to take care of her stinking kids for her what more does she want from me? Has she found daycare yet? No, it will be another two weeks at least before she gets them in anywhere, and I'll still have to take them to and from. Do I get a break? Do I?
Man I am such a whiny baby today. Soo sleepy.
I'm really really sleepy today due to the sleeping pills I've been taking to sleep at night...which worked pretty good last night, but kinda groggy today. I have a very short fuse today, and I can't seem to handle the four year old bossing me around at all today. Yes he bosses me around, he bosses my two year old around to and it pisses me off. I've never before in my life wanted to punch a child...but now I do. Terrible. I'm trying really hard to be a more positive up beat person but he makes that task all the more hard. And I'm tired of his mother saying how cute he is and how hard it is to punish him when he's bad because he's so cute and adorable. He's not. He's the devil, I have come to realize this. Oh and maybe its also because he looks and acts exactly like his asshole fucker of a father. Who I don't know if you catch my drift but I hate with more intensity then the fires of the sun. I seriously don't know how my sister stuck around him for 10 years, I would have been out after the first month. But that's me I guess.
I really need to clean the kitchen, its calling me but I keep ignoring it. but I told my sister I would clean it today since she's been cleaning it all week for some reason. I just haven't wanted to. I have to take care of her stinking kids for her what more does she want from me? Has she found daycare yet? No, it will be another two weeks at least before she gets them in anywhere, and I'll still have to take them to and from. Do I get a break? Do I?
Man I am such a whiny baby today. Soo sleepy.
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Sad Sad Sad
I have no cable. I've been living with cable for the last 5 years straight, and I don't know how I'll live without it. I've been trying to cancel it on my own now for 2 months because we can't afford it but the bastards at Comcast wouldn't let me. "oh we'll just do this for you" "yeah well I still won't be able to pay the bill" So today in the middle of Curious George it walked out of our lives. Oscar cried, because well, he's 2. I pretended to be okay with is and substituted CG with Kung Fu Panda, which is another favorite. It worked, for him. I on the other hand wandered aimlessly around my house all day. Sure I did 3 scrapbook pages but that was really all I got accomplished. You would think that I would do more with my time now that I don't have that life sucker around. And yes at times I used it as a babysitter. Don't judge. You'd do the same. We can't all be crafty mothers who let their two year old's bake with them and make messes everywhere just so we can clean up after them. But tomorrow I do have somewhat of an agenda, I do have to do laundry. And maybe I'll clean up some living places around the house. Ugh, I hate thinking about cleaning.
I am lazy. I will stand up and admit this, I've admited it before. But I will again. LAZY. My mom has even told me this. I don't know why, when someone tells me to do something I'll do it. Tell me to take out the garbage. I'll do it, but do it myself? Whehw! NO WAY. Okay that's a little exagerated, because just today I took out the garbage, but that was because I was bored. Maybe no cable is a good thing. Thank GOD my friend is sending me books. She loves me.
I am lazy. I will stand up and admit this, I've admited it before. But I will again. LAZY. My mom has even told me this. I don't know why, when someone tells me to do something I'll do it. Tell me to take out the garbage. I'll do it, but do it myself? Whehw! NO WAY. Okay that's a little exagerated, because just today I took out the garbage, but that was because I was bored. Maybe no cable is a good thing. Thank GOD my friend is sending me books. She loves me.
So I said in my last post that I would show pictures of my scrapbooking pages. I just finished another one today. My cable got cut off, give me a break! I'm bored! Now I have to look for things to do to occupy my time, don't tell me to go to the library, I have no car. Alright without further ado... Oh and please excuse the layout and the funkyness of all of this, its my first time with this editor trying to put pictures up. I'm learning!!!
These are the first ones. These are old pictures of me and my friend, back in the days of skinny
This is my first trip to Disneyland. A succession of photos of me and Mickey. V told me it was okay to drop elbows to get close, I didn't believe her.

And this is Oscar on his first trip to Disneyland, one of the many pictures we took, he didn't like those stinking ears!
This is the last page I've done so far, this is a couple of pictures of when we went to San Diego. My favorite place ever!
These are the first ones. These are old pictures of me and my friend, back in the days of skinny

This is my first trip to Disneyland. A succession of photos of me and Mickey. V told me it was okay to drop elbows to get close, I didn't believe her.

And this is Oscar on his first trip to Disneyland, one of the many pictures we took, he didn't like those stinking ears!
This is the last page I've done so far, this is a couple of pictures of when we went to San Diego. My favorite place ever!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Two Blogs In a Night
I thought I'd make up for not writing everyday. Listen I was just thinking about "text-typing" the way the kids are doing it now. I text my friend a lot. A LOT. And I never use text talk or type. I can't do it because I don't have the brain to shorten things like that. I can shorten names, I always shorten names. In fact I don't like names that are already short, I have to have nick names. It's just the way I am. So anyway I was going to title this "OMG I totally forgot." But then I said to myself "You never say OMG unless your being factitious" So I went with the title that you see up there. I mentioned something about scrap booking in my last post, and this is important because before I had a child I never EVER thought that I would scrap book and even after he was born and my mother got my a "starter kit" I was reluctant. "I am not that creative" I yell at myself. OOOhh But I was terribly wrong. Last Sunday was extremely stressful and I didn't like it at all, so when we got home I got a bug and drug out all the scrap booking shit and I started doing pages, I got old pictures of my friend L. and I and got to work, and you know for my first attempt they look pretty stinking good, and you know, it calmed me down and I think I slept a little better that night. So the next morning there was still that bug so I did two more! One from my first trip to Disneyland and one for Oscar's first trip to Disneyland. And those turned out pretty good too. So! I'm off!! And I'm running with this scrap booking thing. L. thinks I'm crazy, and I'm going to start wearing horse print shirts but I assure her and everyone that I will not wear crazy horse print shirts until I'm 50...ha! But I will share pictures of my pages, which is funny, pictures of pictures but I have noticed on my blog runnings that everyone on here seems to be a photographer or an art-ist of some notion. So I figure I better get my artsy fartsy ass in on all of this!
I think I'm suffering from mild case of insomina...I took a sleep aid over a half hour ago and I'm barely feeling it. I'm getting a little numb around the edges but not too sleepy yet. Oh my head just went numb...weird. I hate pills.
I think I'm suffering from mild case of insomina...I took a sleep aid over a half hour ago and I'm barely feeling it. I'm getting a little numb around the edges but not too sleepy yet. Oh my head just went numb...weird. I hate pills.
Questions on Being "fixed"
I had my last counseling appointment. I wasn't prepared for it. I thought that I had more time and more issues to go over, but I do believe that I have made great strides in the past three months. And compared to this summer I am worlds better. I have talked to my sister and she is getting the kids into daycare but I still will help her out with certain things, because that's what I do as a sister. I help.
My new quest is to be more positive in my day, which is a big task for me as I'm a fairly negative person, I know outwardly to other people I might seem positive but truly I'm negative. I get that from my dad. I want to be more positive in my outlook though. Not fake happy but really happy. That's the biggest deal for me.
I have done some good things though since starting counseling, I started coaching, I started scrap booking, I leave the house on more occasions. It is really hard for me to get out of the house when it is sooo cold. I am the worlds biggest wuss when it comes to being cold.
So I guess I might have to change the title of this blog since I'm "fixed" oh wait, I forgot, once depressed your always depressed, just now I know how to control it. I'm not getting off my meds just yet though, if I don't have a counselor to depend on I don't know if I could cut my self back on those anytime soon.
I know that I have the tools now to cope with my depression and I know that I need to start liking myself, but that has been a life long struggle for me. To be able to pat myself on the back without sounding fake or hollow is going to be a big step in my world. I do believe that I am doing a good job with my coaching, the girls are learning they're getting better every game, even though they are small strides but they are strides none the less.
the first thing that I am doing now is to make sure that my mental and physical health is first and foremost. Since my mental health has taken a turn for the better my new focus will have to be my physical health. It is not good that i'm 29 and 230lbs. I know this. My first step that I have taken was to stop eating as big of meals. My intake has gone down. I think this was a big thing for me because my whole life I've eaten big meals. I'm still working on it though. I am not there yet. My next step is to get a good workout routine.
I have also decided to go back for reals this time. I want to be a PE teacher. I want to be a basketball coach of a very commited team. So there you have it. Me no longer depressed. I have goals to go after and I've got things to keep me happy.
I will continue to write, I don't know daily because I've never been able to do that. Considering that I will never not be depressed I need a good outlet. I like to type all of my thoughts and feelings.
My new quest is to be more positive in my day, which is a big task for me as I'm a fairly negative person, I know outwardly to other people I might seem positive but truly I'm negative. I get that from my dad. I want to be more positive in my outlook though. Not fake happy but really happy. That's the biggest deal for me.
I have done some good things though since starting counseling, I started coaching, I started scrap booking, I leave the house on more occasions. It is really hard for me to get out of the house when it is sooo cold. I am the worlds biggest wuss when it comes to being cold.
So I guess I might have to change the title of this blog since I'm "fixed" oh wait, I forgot, once depressed your always depressed, just now I know how to control it. I'm not getting off my meds just yet though, if I don't have a counselor to depend on I don't know if I could cut my self back on those anytime soon.
I know that I have the tools now to cope with my depression and I know that I need to start liking myself, but that has been a life long struggle for me. To be able to pat myself on the back without sounding fake or hollow is going to be a big step in my world. I do believe that I am doing a good job with my coaching, the girls are learning they're getting better every game, even though they are small strides but they are strides none the less.
the first thing that I am doing now is to make sure that my mental and physical health is first and foremost. Since my mental health has taken a turn for the better my new focus will have to be my physical health. It is not good that i'm 29 and 230lbs. I know this. My first step that I have taken was to stop eating as big of meals. My intake has gone down. I think this was a big thing for me because my whole life I've eaten big meals. I'm still working on it though. I am not there yet. My next step is to get a good workout routine.
I have also decided to go back for reals this time. I want to be a PE teacher. I want to be a basketball coach of a very commited team. So there you have it. Me no longer depressed. I have goals to go after and I've got things to keep me happy.
I will continue to write, I don't know daily because I've never been able to do that. Considering that I will never not be depressed I need a good outlet. I like to type all of my thoughts and feelings.
Monday, January 19, 2009
New Monday
So since I've been a stay at home mom now for over two years, I have no concept of the days. Which isn't really good for bill paying. I wish I were one of those busy stay at home mom's always on the go with a palm pilot guiding me around. I am getting busier though. I had my first b-ball game last week and it was amazing! The girls lost by well a land slide, they only scored 4 points in the last two minutes of the game. The girl who made the point got a high five from the referee even. AWESOME!
This does wonders for my depression, I seem to be not as melancholy after the games and beyond. If only I could have basketball every day. I can't find a team to join without spending $100, and I don't have that kind of money. I find myself very jealous of people with money, not that its not our fault we don't have money, I could get off my ass and get a job but then I wouldn't get to spend time with Oscar and that's what I like the best. I did start scrapbooking last night too, which proved to be very calming after a very loud day with my sister's kids. It just proves to me even more that I should not be around them. Who knows when she'll find a daycare for them.
My new goal for counseling is to start believing in myself. Which is a very hard task, I've never liked self affirmations probably because I've never liked myself. When I look back at high school I should have liked being me, I didn't have near the weight problem. Actually I was 100lbs less in high school. Self Affirmations just feel like lies to me. I also have to stop relying on other people's opinions of me. Especially one of my very best friends...I don't do anything without her say so, which is not healthy. I even told her of my new plans and she didn't respond and all I think about now is her non-response. I know that she's just waiting for me to actually do it because I'm such a "I'm gonna do it" but then I never do. I talk big I guess.
So I'm reading through a worksheet titled "Helpful Hints for Mental Health" and the very last line says "As long as one remains dependent on others for approval, one is not free to be truley who he or she really is." And this is me to a T.
Well I better get going.
current weight: 230
This does wonders for my depression, I seem to be not as melancholy after the games and beyond. If only I could have basketball every day. I can't find a team to join without spending $100, and I don't have that kind of money. I find myself very jealous of people with money, not that its not our fault we don't have money, I could get off my ass and get a job but then I wouldn't get to spend time with Oscar and that's what I like the best. I did start scrapbooking last night too, which proved to be very calming after a very loud day with my sister's kids. It just proves to me even more that I should not be around them. Who knows when she'll find a daycare for them.
My new goal for counseling is to start believing in myself. Which is a very hard task, I've never liked self affirmations probably because I've never liked myself. When I look back at high school I should have liked being me, I didn't have near the weight problem. Actually I was 100lbs less in high school. Self Affirmations just feel like lies to me. I also have to stop relying on other people's opinions of me. Especially one of my very best friends...I don't do anything without her say so, which is not healthy. I even told her of my new plans and she didn't respond and all I think about now is her non-response. I know that she's just waiting for me to actually do it because I'm such a "I'm gonna do it" but then I never do. I talk big I guess.
So I'm reading through a worksheet titled "Helpful Hints for Mental Health" and the very last line says "As long as one remains dependent on others for approval, one is not free to be truley who he or she really is." And this is me to a T.
Well I better get going.
current weight: 230
Friday, January 16, 2009
Total Deviation
I'm going in a different's a survey I found on MySpace, and I didn't want to fill it out on there, so I'm doing it here..just in case someone reads it. Oh yeah and I'm being totally facetious through out the whole thing, just so you know.
Let others know a little more about yourself, re-post this as your name
followed by "ology"
What is your salad dressing of choice??
I have come to enjoy Ceasar dressing.
What is your favorite sit-down restaurant?
I know my friends would think they know this and say Outback, but I'm dissapointed in the Outback as of late, I would say now, if I could afford to go there it would be Spencers. They have the best steak in the country, look it up!
What food could you eat every day for two weeks and not get sick of?
Uhm Pork Chops. Yeah that's right, I've perfected them, totally not healthy but I don't care.
What are your pizza toppings of choice?
Peperoni and olives
What do you like to put on your toast?
butter like substances.
Chocolate or Vanilla?
oh chocolate its always chocolate.
How many televisions are in your house?
four. That's right, four.
What color cell phone do you have?
Do you have a laptop?
No I do not, I don't really even have a computer or something that can be considered a computer. I use my sisters.
Are you right-handed or left-handed?
I'm a big big lefty.
Have you ever had anything removed from your body?
a baby once, and then after i had him I got a syst removed from my right breast
What is the last heavy item you lifted?
That would be Oscar, he's huge!!
Have you ever been knocked unconscious?
Never. I have ben unconscious for surgery though and I loved it.
If it were possible, would you want to know the day you were going to die?
Uhm yeah sure why not.
If you could change your name, what would you change it to?
Glorious Dragon
Would you drink an entire bottle of hot sauce for $1000?
I need the money at the moment, so hell yeah I would.
How many pairs of flip flops do you own?
Last time you had a run-in with the cops?
a while back.
Last person you talked to?
My sister's kids, just a second ago.
Last person you hugged?
Oscar, after he got hit in the face with a basketball.
Summer time, in the LBC.
I don't really like holidays because everything seems to go wrong at that time. I would have to say if I had to pick one though, it would be Thanksgiving, because the whole family shows up and we have a good time together.
Day of the week?
Doesn't matter, they're all the same.
August. because its hot.
Let other
What is your salad
I have come to enjoy Ceasar dressing.
What is your favor
I know my friends would think they know this and say Outback, but I'm dissapointed in the Outback as of late, I would say now, if I could afford to go there it would be Spencers. They have the best steak in the country, look it up!
What food could
Uhm Pork Chops. Yeah that's right, I've perfected them, totally not healthy but I don't care.
What are your pizza
Peperoni and olives
What do you like to put on your toast
butter like substances.
oh chocolate its always chocolate.
How many telev
four. That's right, four.
What color
Do you have a lapto
No I do not, I don't really even have a computer or something that can be considered a computer. I use my sisters.
Are you right
I'm a big big lefty.
Have you ever had anyth
a baby once, and then after i had him I got a syst removed from my right breast
What is the last heavy
That would be Oscar, he's huge!!
Have you ever been knock
Never. I have ben unconscious for surgery though and I loved it.
If it were possi
Uhm yeah sure why not.
If you could
Glorious Dragon
I need the money at the moment, so hell yeah I would.
How many pairs
Last time you had a run-
a while back.
Last perso
My sister's kids, just a second ago.
Last perso
Oscar, after he got hit in the face with a basketball.
Summer time, in the LBC.
I don't really like holidays because everything seems to go wrong at that time. I would have to say if I had to pick one though, it would be Thanksgiving, because the whole family shows up and we have a good time together.
Day of the week?
Doesn't matter, they're all the same.
August. because its hot.